Wednesday 11 January 2012

MIVC503 Conclusion

Type, Brands and their Power

Throughout the latter part of this project I have been exploring the role of type and brand within our everyday psychologies. My work has evolved in its conceptual form due to my research and general thought processes. 

My main intention for this work was to show how powerful brands and typography are within Western society and how we may not realise the impact they have upon us. I am not necessarily stating whether this impact is a good or bad thing, I am rather putting the notion across of us as humans being so susceptible to repetitive forms combined with our desires and that therefore it almost becomes a part of us. That is why within my book I have incorporated the types within the recognition cells of the brain, to state that we are so heavily susceptible to these brands and types and that they in some sense become a part of our minds. 

I realise that the images I have produced may seem a little repetitive in their form, however I have done this to emphasise the constant perception of these brands in our consumerist society and how we are therefore constantly bombarded with these forms. There was potential for collage to be incorporated within my work as this is my preferred way of working however on this occasion and with this particular conceptual content I didn't feel that it would have worked as well as I needed to avoid the distinction in imagery that collage brings.

The apparent juxtaposition between the use of scientific imagery and everyday commercial forms intrigued me as one usually conceives of the scientific as formal and substantial in its content as opposed to the superficial nature of commercialism. 

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